Art Therapy Ideas for Substance Abuse Recovery and Behavioral Health TenEleven

Like Howes, I am not going to talk about evidence-based approaches or outcomes. I am also not going talk about the use of art to evaluate or assess emotional or other disorders; that is a topic both fascinating and controversial and a subject for another blog series. All these factors can help people stay motivated and committed to their recovery goals.

recovery art therapy ideas

A lot of different events take place during the day, both joyful and sad. In one of them, collect your joys, and in the other, hide your sorrows in the form of drawings. The exercise develops the ability to express your feelings in relation to various life situations. Stick the envelope onto a large sheet of A3 paper. Place your family photos that show the brightest events in an envelope. Add a small symbolic drawing to each photo.

What Are the Benefits of Art Therapy?

Try to create a drawing or applique together without discussing the topic in advance. Talking during the creative process is prohibited. Creating of such therapeutic art projects develops self-regulation, the ability to constructively interact. While listening to music, draw a forest, transferring your feelings from unity with nature. This therapy drawing develops the imagination, helps to discover the inner corners of the soul. Several participants at the same table draw circles of any color and size on a large sheet of paper.

  • Sarah is a Licensed Professional Counselor with 13 years of experience in the behavioral health field as well as a certified provider of Cognitive Processing Therapy for Trauma.
  • They can be drawn, sculpted, or crafted.
  • This can be anything from old letters, movies or bus tickets, photos, etc.

According to art therapist and former National Institutes of Health researcher Harriet Wadeson, an altered book is a form of journaling practice for exploring an altered life. Like all visual journaling, it is a powerful way to tell your story as well as re-story the dominant narratives of your life. The next post in this series will explain this form of visual journaling in more detail.

How Can I Be Creative?

If you are struggling with addiction, it may seem like there is no end to it. Drug rehab in Payson will make addiction recovery possible for you. Recovery is undoubtedly a challenging journey, but there are better things laid out for you at… Participants then imagine being on a boat on a beautiful day, but the weather worsens, and the sea becomes cold and choppy.

This exercise makes it possible to blur the meaning of psycho emotional experiences symbolically. Completing monotypic casts on a separate sheet with a search for deep saving meanings is a very effective art therapy crafts. Many people are suggesting art therapy for substance abuse.

Using Art Therapy To Treat Addiction

This can encompass a wide range of activities, such as stress painting, incident drawings, sculpting, or creating an art journal. Boston Sober Homes Art therapy in recovery is not limited to any age group or socioeconomic class. It can benefit people from all backgrounds.

Similar to a memory jar, a self-care box holds small trinkets or scraps of paper. You can make one by creating, painting and decorating a wood box. Then, you can add items that represent your idea of self-care. This can be anything from positive affirmations to notes that list goals you want to achieve.

What Is Art Therapy?

It can be clay molding, painting, drawing, sculpting, carving, and the list goes on. There are a thousand ways to make visual art and each form can provide a fun and engaging form of therapy. Whether it is abstract or not makes no difference here. Finally, to paraphrase Howes, reading these brief posts is no substitute for the education it takes to understand how to effectively and ethically apply them to practice. Competent therapists always get adequate training before applying any intervention. For my next series of posts, I am taking a cue from my colleague Ryan Howes who is just finishing up a fascinating series called The Ten Coolest Therapy Interventions.

recovery art therapy ideas

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