Ode to Gertrude | For the love of food


This poem by Celeste Byers was taken from Issue 2 of Lucky Peach. It is dedicated to my pet carrot, Gertrude. A dancing woman with a pierced nose and Tibetan robe taught me to always massage my kale.You are what you eat? You are what you massage. Give your produce some love. Especially that mango grown in Brazil. GET INTIMATE WITH YOUR PLANTS. GIVE
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What’s In This Burger Anyway?


This story ran yesterday on Fresh Air, Terry Gross interviews Tom Philpott, agricultural writer for Mother Jones. It covers everything from the USDA regulation of meat to antibiotic and hormone use in feed, and everything in between. At a time when food safety concerns are prominent, recalls are high, people are worried about pink slime, and more and more people are turning to local
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Fresh Beef, Lamb, Pork, Chicken and Turkey for 2014

Our first round of meat will be available in June. Two pigs currently in the barn will be ready for market in late June or early July. Look here for updates. Generally grass raised roasting chicken and duck is available for sale by the pound. any time during the year. CSA members get special pricing. Come by the farm and grab some chops, ham
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Start of the Season 2014 Now is the time to Join


Things are really getting going here at The 1780 Farm. Here is a little bit about what is going on right now. New Growth sooner than we think most of our plants will be baby starts in our green house. The squash, kale, onions, beets, lettuces, blueberries, carrots, and strawberries will be lookin good. There will be plenty of eggplant, peas, beans, tomatoes, peppers,
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Chicken and Pork Prices 2014 Season

The 1780 Farm  Chicken and Pork  Prices  effective Jan,2014 All our beef, pork, and Lamb  is USDA inspected, Our beef is 100% grass fed, free of chemicals and hormones, individual frozen & and vacuum sealed, steaks & roasts. Our pork is farm raised on pasture and natural supplements, is USDA inspected and very tasty ! Our Chickens thrive on our pasture’s little delicacies, like
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Attended the 2013 New England Vegetable Convention in Manchester – WOW !

December 16,17 & 18 2013 Jennie and Richard just returned from the Vegetable growers convention held at the Radisson Hotel in Manchester where much was learned about practices and related issues for small farms. Learned much. Saw lots of wonderful new equipment and heard incredible talks about issues that affect us all who eat vegetables.                  
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Make a Payment

Make a payment on your order, click below the1780farm@live.com Buy Now in $100 increments, click the “Buy Now” button for the number of dollars you are depositing in your account with The1780Farm.com, when you are done, you will see a button for checkout via PayPal.   Thanks for your business! If you are paying for a membership or item that is not able to
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